Dr Sam Adeyemi

1000+ Ministry Growth Training

A one-day event for pastors and ministry leaders ready to emerge as community pillars that drive predictable growth in their ministry.

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My Books

I believe in transferring knowledge, and as such I’m passionate about writing books that inspire and transform lives. Books have changed my life radically and I hope my books will do the same for you. Your transformation and impact can be reached faster with these books, check them out below.

Featured Books

Dear Leader

Dr. Sam Adeyemi’s newest book release Dear Leader—Your Flagship Guide to Successful Leadership will help you as a leader to stand out in a crowded marketplace. Evidence-based research teaches us that leaders who create and improve values-based cultures also create happier environments that allow employees, partners and others to thrive and become their best. Dr. Sam’s book inspires organizations and their leaders to create or improve values-based cultures so that aspiring leaders from every background can also become better performers, offer extraordinary customer care, and be stakeholders in the organization’s financial returns. 


Wherever you are on the success journey, LEAD is the right book for you. It is packed with ideas you can use right away to transform your life right where you are, and it will help you increase your capacity for success in geometric proportions. In this book, you will learn how to:

  • Unleash your ability to inspire others
  • Leverage on principles to develop character
  • Solve problems better and faster than before
  • Transform your family and organization
  • Become a change champion in your nation.


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